Samstag 9. Mai 2020
20:00 Uhr
Meta Theater, Osteranger 8, 85665 Moosach bei Grafing
Sirag in Dialogue / Solo Music Theater Performance:
Visuals by Ibrahim Ghareib / performer/composer Wael Sami Elkholy, script/directing Nora Amin
Sirag in Dialogue is an intercultural experiment combining the original music compositions of Wael Sami Elkholy with the monologues of Nora Amin, to create a performative state of sensitivity, pleasure, emotionality and openness. With Meta Theater, Sirag expands into placing itself within the transcultural history of Meta Theater in music performance, and launches a dialogue about identity in music, active spectatorship and the transcendence of a shared past of intellectual and artistic coloniality.
The performance is followed by a public discussion.
Nora Amin: Writer, performer, choreographer & theatre director based in Berlin. Working in the intersection between dance, theatre & literature with a focus on the political issues of racism, sexism, trauma and coloniality. Author of the acclaimed book “Weiblichkeit im Aufbruch” (MSB, Matthes& Seitz, 2018 Berlin).
Wael Sami Elkholy: Der ägyptisch-schweizerische Komponist, Sänger und Performer arbeitet in verschiedenen musikalischen Bereichen. Sein Spektrum reicht von der klassischen zeitgenössischen Musik über traditionelle und experimentelle Klänge bis hin zum Pop. Er ist in Theaterstücken, Musicals und Konzerten als Solist oder zusammen mit seiner Band Ab3ad zu sehen und zu hören.

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